Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October is going so fast

So this week was pretty run of the mill for us. Usually a couple days a week Mindy and Mia will come in to eat lunch with me. This week we joined some friends at a place called Alma. There are about 5 Alma type places around Leuven, these are the cafeterias for students that attend the university. It is common for staff and personnel to eat here as well since there is a discount for relatively decent food. Here is a picture of Mia goofing around at the Alma entrance. The buffet type line is behind her through those arches.

Mia at Alma 2

As we were exiting I snapped this shot of us with our friends from St. Louis (wife and younger son not pictured). Their older son and Mia were having a ton of fun running around and playing as 2-3 year olds do. They have been here 3 years now while the dad is working on a post-doc in the School of Catholic Thought.

Mia and William at Alma

One night this week we finally got around to cutting Mia's hair. As some had pointed out it was getting quite long. She sat very well for it, but if I remember correctly she was watching Friends on tv which has become a bit of a evening tradition.

Mia's second hair cut

Here is another picture I took of Spikkel, our belgian cat, in one of her favorite sleeping spots. Notice our mountain of milk we keep in stock for our american style milk drinking habits. The milk here is pasteurized differently. Look up UHT on wikipedia to see what I mean. The taste is changed quite a bit and Mindy and I have to put in Nesquick to drink the 2% milk equivalent. The fat free milk though doesn't taste quite as different. Mia got used to it pretty fast and doesn't mind the taste anymore.

Mountain of milk

Wednesday afternoons the market is in Kessel-lo about 6 blocks from our house. We walked down there to get a roasted chicken for dinner and we also purchased some "paard gehaakt biefstuck" from a butcher that has a stand. Can anyone guess what Tim will be trying for dinner sometime soon?

Kessel-lo market

P.S. We had another sonogram at the doctor, all is looking ok. The measurements are putting our little girl's arrival date around the first week of February. The doctor made the comment that she was in the smaller end of the statistical range, but everything looked good.

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