Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More Tabor in Leuven

Last week we had a small group bible study at our place. One of the couples there, Julianne and Michael, we had only met one other time, so this meeting gave us a chance to get acquainted. It turns out that they both went to Wheaton College. This is sort of coincidental, as I grew up near Wheaton, but the story gets better. Julianne’s brother is a couple years younger than me and he attended Judson College. Turns out I even recognize the name, and might even be able to pick him out in a line-up. To one up this, turns out that Julianne’s parents called them a couple nights ago to let them know they read about “some people” that went to Judson who were now in Leuven for a year. She informed her parents that they had met these “people” and were already at their house for a bible study. And lastly, what makes this story even better is that Julianne’s parents (now Mr. and Mrs. Funk) both went to Tabor College, as did much of her family. Such a small world we live in with vast networks of people that know people.

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