Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Return from Germany

This past weekend was a holiday here, so we took a short trip to Germany to see a part of the country we hadn't seen before, the countrside. Mindy and I have previously been to Germany. When we were in college we went on a choir tour of most of the major cities and saw a whole lot. This actually can officially be called the time in our lives when we "met". But for this trip to Deutschland we decided to spend some time in the countryside so we went to the Rhine river.

It was totally a blast! These are random pictures I selected from our trip.

Here is Mia posing with a superb smile in front of Burg Maus (Maus castle). This was on Saturday and we snapped this picture as we drove by on the East side of the river. This castle houses an eagle and falcon collection that you can see, but unfortunately we did not make it to one of the showings.

On Saturday around noon we visited Rheinstein castle. This was the second of the two castles we paid to tour. The towers in this castle were very impressive and Mia really enjoyed climbing up the "tiny stairs" all by herself.

On Friday evening we were about to head back to the hotel when we stopped for some German backed goodies. I am eating a pretzel and Mia is eating a "Berliner" or jelly donut to those americans reading the blog.

Lastly I wanted to include this photo we took of two neighboring castles that are called "The Hostile Brothers". These castles were pretty close to where we stayed, but I just really liked this picture with the clouds sitting below the castles.

Cory's comment has inspired me to edit this blog entry and include the following youtube clip. Enjoy and thanks Cory.

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