Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Market

Just after Sinterklaas makes his appearance, it is time for Christmas decorations and celebrations. So finally we are hearing the occasional Christmas song on the radio or in the grocery stores. Up until Dec. 6th though you won't see much as there are bans on advertising for the Christmas season until after the 6th.

One thing that most towns have here is a Kerstmarkt (Christmas market). In Leuven this consisted of about 50 small white tents setup where people are selling all sorts of things. Some have ornaments, jewelry, hats and gloves, cards, t-shirts, all sorts of gifty items to buy. There are also a number of food stands where you can get waffles, chocolates, warm wine, popcorn (it isn't any good here though), and even egg rolls.

The Kerstmarkt is very pretty and it is mostly in the square in front of the University library. Unfortunately we did not take our camera the day we were there, or if we had it no pictures were snapped. Fortunately some friends of ours have a nice blog entry about it, so here is a link. The Christmas market.

This market only lasts a couple weeks and then it disappears. However there are slightly extended shopping hours for some businesses in town the weekend before Christmas. I think I even heard some stores might be open on Sunday! Lookout!

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