Thursday, December 13, 2007

December Week Two

Sorry, it has been over a week since my last post. Time has a habit of flying when you are busy. And busy we have been.

Last Wednesday morning Mindy's sister (Liz), mom (Sharon), and niece (Cheyenne) came to visit. Cheyenne is about 11 months old, so Mia had a playmate or attention competitor, whichever fit at the time. We all had a lot of fun, but due to the rainy weather, we were unable to travel or go see any other cities.

The short visit results in a need for quick adjustment to the time zone. Tell that to the 11 month old. :) The first night resulted in Grandma, Aunt Mindy, and Liz playing with Cheyenne from about midnight to 2 am. She was in such a darn cute mood too at that time of day/night.

Since they arrived on Wednesday morning, and hadn't really had a Tuesday night to sleep, we took it easy. That evening we took a walk to the Wednesday Kessel-lo market. We needed some fruit, belgium waffles hot off the iron, and some roasted chicken for dinner. The chicken was delicious as usual and we like buying from this particular guy as he always speaks Dutch to us. Most people here, hear our accents and switch immediately to English. It is hard to learn a language when they do not have the patience to practice with you. This guy keeps is all in Dutch . . . thanks chicken man!

Once Cheyenne fell asleep on Wednesday night, the little girl was zonked! This is about 10 am the next morning. Cheyenne was so asleep that Mia was reading her books right next to her and she didn't even stir! Once she did wake up, she was her smiley little self and everyone got ready to go into town.

On Thursday we went for a walk to our local grocery store to get a few things for supper and for the girls.

Mia and Cheyenne really got along well. Both had their own little way of trying to have Grandma all to themselves. Mia also has a hard time understanding personal space with babies and not having much patience for the drool on her toys.

On Friday, everyone came downtown to eat lunch with me. It was pouring and really windy when they arrived, so we found a cafe to eat at quickly. After we ate though, we had about 3 hours where it was not raining and I think we even saw the sun once! We went to the christmas market and bought some goodies and then shopped a bit around town before heading back.

On Saturday night we had our family Christmas. Here is Mia all decked out in her gift. The dress and wings, and EVERY piece of jewelry she got. She now wears this all the time. She is such a little girl!

The other new toy is the game Candy Land. She has caught on very quickly and we play it about 10 times a day. She thinks the goal though is the get the cards with the candy on them even if that takes you back. She is completely unimpressed if she gets to the end first and we tell her that she wins. Last night she even cried because she hadn't gotten any of the candy yet . . . how can the game be over without getting the candy??

On Sunday morning everyone hopped on the train and went back to the airport to get home before the ice storm. Thankfully everyone made it home pretty much on time. Except for Grandpa who got rerouted to Denmark. (Actually he had more business travel to do.) After their departure we went to our new church in Tervuren and then I had to go into work to do the locust breeding. I didn't have my camera to take pictures of this activity, but at some point it will be my turn again and I can show everyone what it entails. Mindy and Mia helped out by rubber banding clumps of grass together for the hungry beasts. After the breeding was done, we were all quite exhausted and went home for a relaxing afternoon. That evening I tuned in to listen to an NFL game and heard the Chargers win in overtime. Since the Colts and Bears were both not playing, who else should I listen to? So I picked the game of one of my fantasy football players and tuned in.

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