Sunday, August 26, 2007

My Office

The department I am working in is located in the heart of Leuven. It is right off of one of the main arteries into the city center, Namsestraat. The building is actually located directly next to a sixteenth century church that is unlike anything you will ever see in the US. I took this picture of the entrance to the courtyard of the building in an attempt to show a little of the atmosphere, as there really is no good vantage point to show you the actual building in its entirety. You of course will always see many bicycles parked in this entrance as that is the main transportation mode around Leuven. I imagine in a month when the students return, there will be many more bikes than are currently present in town.

My office is located on floor 2, which in the US would actually be called the 3rd floor as ground floors here are always noted as floor 0. I have graciously been allowed to share an office with 4 other individuals, all native Belgians. Here are fotos of a few of them and our quarters.

Peter and Elke

Geert and my empty chair.

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