Monday, August 13, 2007

Our Journey Accross the Pond

So we started our trip at O’hare on Tuesday June 26th. Our flight to Dublin was supposed to take off at 4:20, but was a couple of hours late due to some storms in the area. We got into Dublin at 7am and our flight to Brussels left at 6:25am without us. We had to find our luggage in Dublin, because I guess when your connecting flight leaves without you, they don’t put your luggage on through. Fortunately we tracked it all down, and then had to wait in a 2 hour line to get rebooked onto another flight. Actually 2 flights, one to London and then finally onto Brussels. (By the way, London Heathrow and Dublin airports are completely insane, crowded, and poorly signed, but I love the accents everyone has!) Here is a picture of Mindy and Mia waiting at the Dublin airport for our next flight.

Mindy and Mia waiting in Dublin

We finally arrived in Brussels around 5pm, 24 hours after we began our day (11 am in Chicago). We collected our bags in Brussels, couldn’t find the carseat, but rather than wait in a 2 hour line to tell them we couldn’t find it, we decided it was better to go try and find Geert and Luke who were waiting to pick us up. We successfully found them and began our journey home.

Home, our new apartment is great. It is right next to a park and our new friends here in Leuven have already furnished it with a desk, a shelf, tv, coffee table, two roll-away beds, and a blow up air mattress for our first few nights. We were completely exhausted when we arrived, but new we couldn’t hit the hay quite yet, so we went to Geert’s for dinner (great European spaghetti) and then went back to our apartment for sleep.

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